Sacred Essence is your roadmap, and 4 month deep dive into the 13 base chemicals that rule the body, the 13 astrology signs, the 13 moons, the 13 Priestess energies AND the 13 Tones of the Universe. 

Maybe, you are sensing a connection. 
When you hear as above, so below - I am here to teach you how to tap into the truth behind your Alchemical Power and Purity that resides within the cosmos and you.
 This program is an INVITATION to an easier way to process old beliefs, patterns and trauma including ancestral and parallel lineage - such as the rose lineage.

This allows greater flow of your ability to magnetise what you desire... essentially collapsing timelines.

This journey is a potent reconnection to a higher power AND your relationship with your body allowing deeper intimacy in the MOMENTS of life which ultimately calls in aligned relationships, clients and internal freedom from heaviness of life like anxiety or depression.

Sacred Essence will remind you of your innate, and remarkable ability to open your body to be the channel, seer, oracle, intuitive of your Unique gifts and message for the World creating easier flow in body, life and business...

We are unblocking the stuck energy- tapping you back into your truest essence.

Only question left is, do you feel the pull? The heart opening... spine chilling... remembrance? 

13x base chemicals that rule the body

13x astrology signs + Moons

13x Priestess energies

13x Tones of the Universe

  • Reignite the Pineal Gland - and reactive and awaken your SEER energy. (If you are easy to pick up on others energy… it is time to tap into your seer; you are so much more powerful than you are giving yourself credit for.)
  • Recalibrate the nervous system and Sacred fluid of the CFS - The Christ Oil that runs through our Spine in relation to our Astrology and occult physiology.
  • Help process non verbal and verbal trauma and pattern loops - to stop getting stuck and drained; and shift back into the purity and light.
  • Activate anti-aging and immortality codes
  • Reignite Sophia Christed Light body awareness and consciousness, and Rose Lineage remembrance
  • DNA fragment reclamation from self to others and others to self Including ancestral lineage
  • Archetype work, and healing - Through Womb medicine, and tapping into the Maiden to Mother timeline.
  • Dancing with Alchemy, Self Mastery, Deep Embodiment Tools and Practices. 
  • Emotional Rebirth technique to shed shame and feel present and safe in the body
  • Harmonic Masculine and Feminine frequency alignment
This will not be religious. It will speak to astrological macro and biochemistry micro healing modalities where YOU ARE THE INNER PHYSICIAN.
My Mission is to create a movement where Women find unity within self, and finally set themselves free from Societal Wounding, ancestral and current trauma. Paving a way to stepping into their highest potential through embodiment, bridging Heaven and Earth, and through the connection of the cosmos and us here on earth - down to the biochemistry.
 I work with Emotional Alchemy and Self Mastery to awaken the CEO Empress within. The woman who is not only successful externally; but truly dripping with pleasure, and peace. The woman who is present, powerful, and keenly intune with herself and with spirit.
I am a Medical Herbalist with 15yrs experience, Medical Psychic, Bone Matrix Clearance Therapist, Reiki Master, Dancing with Alchemy Practitioner, and Breathwork Facilitator.
I have learned not only from my professional experience as a hematoglist, and herbalist - but through my own life journey.
From actually coding from a seizure, and going into the void of death, to playing with dangerous and unaligned practices... I was living my life trying to grasp on to any balance I could find.
But what I needed was transmutation... to become the alchemist...  and then, I discovered what I am sharing with you inside of Sacred Essence - and my life became something I loved and not something I was enduring. 
And I understand wanting to get out of discomfort. We have been taught that for as long as we can remember.. they tell us there is a quick pill to fix something; and we are in this societal conditioning of wanting instant gratification. But it isn't gratifying when it isn't actually addressed.
Instead of going to the core, we try to create a quick fix... a bandaid solution. Here - we go to the core. We go to the truest essence of who you are, so we can unleash your brilliance together.










- Access to the Private Facebook Community to connect and ask questions in between calls.

- 2 Sacred essence trainings.

- 2 trainings on Astrology + Micro/Macro biology Astrological biochemistry.

- One Live opening ceremony group session.

- 3 Live Activations and hot seat coaching group sessions.


 Bonus 1 - Sacred Embodiment - The Sacral Pump (Valued at $100) 

40 minute embodiment session for temper tantrums that you can use once a month to shift massive energies of safety, quantum leaping embodiment process. 

Bonus 2 - 33 Steps to Ascension - a special masterclass bonus


There is also a VIP Upgrade that you can add when checking out to have a monthly 1:1 session with me for 6 months to support you along your journey, and help you to integrate everything you learn within this sacred container. This is $555 per month!


This course is a hybrid live and course portal style program. We have a monthly live group activation and hot seat coaching call, as well as learning material dropped into Kajabi for you every month.

Save now on Early Enrollment Pricing. (Over $100!

The Price goes up to $599 PIF on July 25th at midnight!

There are only 5 VIP upgrade spaces available. You can add this on at checkout!


$444 USD

  • Access to the Private Facebook Group
  • 2 Sacred Essence Trainings per month.
  • 2 Trainings on Astrology + Micro/Macro Biology per month.
  • Bonus 1 - Sacred Embodiment - The Sacral Pump
  • Bonus 2 - The 33 steps to Ascension Masterclass
$444 PIF



$501 total over 3 months

  • Access to the Private Facebook Group
  • 2 Sacred Essence Trainings per month.
  • 2 Trainings on Astrology + Micro/Macro Biology per month.
  • Bonus 1 - Sacred Embodiment - The Sacral Pump
  • Bonus 2 - The 33 steps to Ascension Masterclass



$500 total over 5 months

  • Access to the Private Facebook Group
  • 2 Sacred Essence Trainings per month.
  • 2 Trainings on Astrology + Micro/Macro Biology per month.
  • Bonus 1 - Sacred Embodiment - The Sacral Pump
  • Bonus 2 - The 33 steps to Ascension Masterclass